Grant Success

The Friends of Taperoo Dunes are pleased to announce that we have been successful in our application for a small Port Adelaide Enfield Council Place Making Grant.

Our proposal was to design and install signage to form a new trail along the Lady Gowrie Drive pathway which we have named the Taperoo Dunes Walk. We will photograph native plants and birds from the Taperoo Dunes and design and install small individual signs with information about each of the species. This will be a colourful and informative Walk to be enjoyed by all of the community.
We were thrilled to be supported in our application by the Ocean View College Taperoo, who regularly work collaboratively with the Friends of Taperoo Dunes Group to care for the Taperoo Dunes. The College believes this Walk would enhance the experience for the students at the college. We have had a long-standing relationship with the College – they have assisted with tree planting and clearing Euphorbia sp. during Volunteers Week for the past four years.
Friends of Taperoo Dunes thank Ocean View College for their support, Conservation Volunteers Australia for their ideas and Craig Hughes from PAEC for his assistance with the application. The Taperoo Dunes Walk will be installed later in the year, so keep an eye out. We hope to see you at the Dunes and that this Walk will add to your enjoyment of your visit.