About Us


Taperoo Dunes Group is supported by Green Adelaide and the City of Port Adelaide Enfield and their officers. We acknowledge their commitment to our ongoing work at Taperoo Dunes, and thank you all for ongoing assistance and support.
Thanks for the support from our PAE Councillors, including the Outer Harbor and Semaphore Ward councillors.
We work closely with the Port Environment Centre, Semaphore Largs Dunes Group, PAREPG and the North Haven Dunes Group – thanks for your assistance and ongoing support. We also link up with Conservation Volunteers Australia, Trees for Life and Bush for Life, Landcare SA, Friends of Parks SA, AAEE (including Seeds for Change and Bringing back the Butterflies), AUSMAP, OZ Fish and ACCA for additional expertise, volunteering and networking opportunities, and practical support from time to time.
We attend the monthly Port Adelaide Environment Forums and events organised by the Port Environment Centre and to quote one of our members “we are always learning”.
We salute all those working in our local environmental groups – including Friends of Gulf St Vincent, Labyrinths on Le Fevre, Estuary Care Foundation, Friends of the International Bird Sanctuary, the Semaphore Compost Network and Tennyson Dunes – our group members are closely linked to these groups and we are the beneficiaries of their work in the natural environment.

Thanks To:

We thank all those volunteers and environmentally focussed students who have helped us at Taperoo Dunes over the years and those with an ongoing link who continue to front up every Monday morning for an hour of weeding and planting after the rains.
Our members have an enormous bank of knowledge and we appreciate all contributions they make each and every week.
Thanks to Alison Sloley for having the vision to start the Taperoo Dunes Group.

Three group members have been volunteering at Taperoo Dunes since our beginning 10 years ago – a special mention and thanks to Kym, Lena and Chris.

Thanks to Julie Colburn for setting up this website and John Thompson for ensuring a smooth transition to a new website host.
Thanks to everyone in the community for your part in protecting and nurturing our environment.
Finally, it’s very important to acknowledge and thank Kym Murphy for his exceptional photographic contribution to this website (and indeed for his photos throughout the community and along the Taperoo Dunes walkway at Taperoo). Kym’s photos are the jewel in the crown of the Taperoo Dunes website. Enjoy!